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Generative AI is revolutionizing software development, shifting from traditional coding to orchestration of AI-generated code, with impacts felt across high-tech, healthcare, and personalized user experiences.

The annual budget and business planning process is key for setting a company's future direction, requiring strategic priorities, KPIs, departmental plans, and Q1 OKRs established through a collaborative, iterative six-step approach for success.

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Generative AI can be leveraged to improve CLTV and drive customr retention. Approaches like churn forecasting, real-time analytics, AI segmentation, NLP, and journey mapping can revolutionize customer retention strategies using data-driven techniques.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) is key to SaaS success, with focus shifting from acquisition to maximizing existing customer value and retention to drive sustainable growth amid economic challenges.

A study by 6Sense reveals the "Dark Funnel" in B2B buying, where 70% of the purchasing process, including forming opinions and preferences, occurs out of vendors' sight. Engaging with potential clients before they contact sellers and leveraging intent data, community participation, and quality content creation can illuminate this hidden journey and influence buyers' decisions earlier, offering a competitive edge in securing deals.

Generative AI is revolutionizing software development, shifting from traditional coding to orchestration of AI-generated code, with impacts felt across high-tech, healthcare, and personalized user experiences.

The annual budget and business planning process is key for setting a company's future direction, requiring strategic priorities, KPIs, departmental plans, and Q1 OKRs established through a collaborative, iterative six-step approach for success.

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