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CEO, Leadership

Fail Fast, Change Faster: How Hyper-Adaptive Leadership Turns Setbacks into Success

Managing a technology company to meet investor expectations has never been more challenging. In this environment, conventional leadership models prioritizing stability and long-term planning over flexibility and rapid response are rapidly becoming obsolete. The SaaS leaders poised to excel in the coming decade will be those who adopt Hyper-Adaptive Leadership. This leadership style goes beyond merely keeping up with change; it focuses on anticipating, catalyzing, and harnessing change to de-risk market challenges and achieve value and growth.


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CEO, All, Leadership

From Service to SaaS: The Case for Hiring Former Military Officers in Tech

Hiring former military officers in tech can give your company an edge. Junior Military Officers possess exceptional leadership, adaptability, and critical thinking skills, making them valuable in guiding teams and managing projects. By prioritizing attitude over technical skills and integrating JMOs into leadership roles, companies can leverage their exceptional capabilities for sustained business success. Learn how to attract and hire JMOs by reading the full article.

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